Monday, May 10, 2010

What's next?

I have about six projects in progress at the studio, all in varying stages, but nothing drying at the moment. I know of 4 pieces that should have come out of the bisque fire last week, but have not had a chance to get out there to take a look at them.  I have a three piece set of decorative plates made with a soft-slab technique. The patters on those were made with small leaf stamps on one, a large pebble-look pattern on the second and on the third I used various sizes and shapes of branches or bark and just pressed them into the clay. My goal when they're glazed and fired is to use them as wall decorations over my couch. most likely sitting on a shelf. I have another scraffito platter which should be ready as well, to glaze and then put into the final firing process.

My weekends have been been so busy lately that I haven't been able to get out to Desert Dragon at all so have only been going after work a couple days a week. Not really the ideal way to accomplish a lot.

This weekend I actually crafted a couple of cards, one for my Mother and the other for my daughter-in-law, for Mother's Day. I have the stamping supplies and tons of card stock, but run out of time and end up hitting the card store. I decided this time, I wouldn't do that. Ahh so many ideas, so little time.

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