Friday, May 7, 2010

The Scraffitto Box

Well I finished carving the box on Wednesday. It became more challenging as I carved each side. Even though I kept it covered in plastic, I waited too long between visits to the studio for carving and by the time I got to the last side, it was very dry. It works best when the clay is still leather-hard and the carvings come off like little curls of chocolate.

It needs to finish drying completely now and then will be bisque fired. What will remain then is virtually like "greenware", on which I can add other glazes or dip in a clear glaze and then proceed with the final firing. What people don't know that  don't work in clay is that the process from start to finish is time consuming. There are many steps and you have to wait between each one. If a piece dries too fast or is bisque fired before it is completely dry, it could crack and break in the kiln. 

I will take a picture if the box after its bisque fired and post it here. I really am excited to see how this piece will turn out as are many of my potter friends who have been watching its progression.

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