Saturday, June 5, 2010

Finished High Fire Projects

Yesterday yielded some great results from the last hire firing at Desert Dragon. I am particularly pleased with my tall coil pot/vase. Glazing any piece that you've spent a long time on (I actually dreamed about this one) creates anxiety for me since I am still learning glazing techniques. (Does the learning process with clay every stop?) Applying glazes you know will run A LOT as I did on my coil pot, made me very nervous, so I decided to wipe it down leaving the bare stoneware in places. The result was very good. The imperfections are what make each piece unique and "hand made".

The pie dish (at least that's what I'm calling it) turned out well also, although the glazing choices with turquoise and woo blue (which looks like blue denim by itself) turned out a little muddy in places. Turquoise runs a lot and woo blue is very reliable at not running, ever. But who wants to glaze everything in woo blue all the time.

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