Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's December already

Here I am in December and unprepared as usual for the holiday season. You'd think being semi-retired I'd have all sorts of time on my hands, but I just keep filling my day with activities. It's not quite as enjoyable going out to the studio to throw when it gets cold and my pieces take days to dry unless I put them in front of my space heater. I'm also teaching a few ceramics classes (mobile paint-on-pottery) for Seniors, plus tutoring elementary kids once a week in the afternoon at The Rock at 32nd Street Community Center AND taking online classes through ASU to finally finish my degree after all these years.  I have to have projects and things to do, it's just part of my nature.

A couple weeks ago I finally took an afternoon to photograph some of my more recent pottery pieces and have posted a few. I am running out of room to store my pieces and really need to get serious about selling them. I find that part of this business to be the hardest. Promoting your own work is hard and goes against my nature. There is always the fear of being rejected and the work is so personal. I just need to put myself out there and do it. Why is it so hard. I have never been good at sales of any kind. Well I need to get over that, so today I finally had business cards made. It's a first step.