Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Sculpture

Home Studio

I am slowly but surely getting the extra room off the back of our house organized so I can finally make it into my home pottery and craft studio. This room has been used for everything from storage, to painting stage banners for Genesis Church, to private housing for our sons after college and a church intern we had living with us for six months (Hi Jess!) The original owners built it as an exercise room so it has one wall covered with mirrors, which I never bothered to remove.

Several years ago when we decided to paint it white again, there were so many different colors and layers of paint on the walls that it took many, many coats of paint to get it back to normal. The old indoor-outdoor carpet remains specked with all the various paints we used and I have no plans to change it and have even considered just ripping it out altogether leaving the cement floor. Carpet and clay do not go well together.

We keep saying we are going to sell this house, but now is not the time and frankly I'm just a bit tired of waiting on "someday" to have my own studio at home. Life is just too short to wait for "someday" to happen. Our house may be too big for just the two of us, but this room is perfect for a studio since it is separate from the rest of the house which means keeping all that clay dust out. It has its own separate entrance and a very nice AC unit we put in several years ago. There is even easy access to the garage with a sink for running water.

Now that the room is organized and ready, it's time to start looking for the equipment I need. This includes a used pottery wheel, kiln, worktable or makeshift worktable and stool and shelving to say nothing of all the clay tools. Right now, everything I need is readily available at the pottery studio I frequent on a weekly basis. I'm sure the transition will be slow as I find what I need, but I finally feel like I'm well on my way.

So, if you know of anyone who just happens to have a dusty "electric" pottery wheel or kiln that they no longer use and is just taking up space in their garage, just let me know. I guess it's time to start hitting all the garage sales to find old kitchen tools (they make great pottery tools) and some old shelving somebody it selling for cheap. Woo hoo! I'm so excited.